Thursday, October 27, 2016

A vote for Hillary Clinton is a vote for your kids to be incinerated in nuclear fire from the WW3 she would most definitely start with Russia instead of allying with them in the fight against ISIS in Syria. Who's side is she on, anyway?

A vote for Hillary Clinton is a vote for your kids to be incinerated in nuclear fire from the WW3 she would most definitely start with Russia instead of allying with them in the fight against ISIS in Syria. Who's side is she on, anyway?
by Jason Rist

October 27, 2016 at 03:10PM
from Facebook
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When Freedom Fails

No one escapes when freedom fails
While the best rot in filthy jails,
those that cried "Appease! Appease"!
Are hanged
by those they tried to please.

By "Anonymous"

The New Amerika

The New Amerika

Amendment II

Amendment II
What part of "shall NOT be infringed." do the gun grabbers not get?

A Patriot

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