Thursday, March 16, 2017

The powers that be profit from misery and destruction. Everyone just has to say no to the globalists, military-industrial complex; the deep state, the shadow governments. The people are just different puppets. The puppeteers are the same elites.

The powers that be profit from misery and destruction. Everyone just has to say no to the globalists, military-industrial complex; the deep state, the shadow governments. The people are just different puppets. The puppeteers are the same elites.
by Jason Rist

March 16, 2017 at 03:07PM
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When Freedom Fails

No one escapes when freedom fails
While the best rot in filthy jails,
those that cried "Appease! Appease"!
Are hanged
by those they tried to please.

By "Anonymous"

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Amendment II

Amendment II
What part of "shall NOT be infringed." do the gun grabbers not get?

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