Monday, November 07, 2016
Break the monopolies, explore the alternative.
Girly men with manginas.
Well, maybe when the coin misers in the government learn to operate without cashola, then the corporations then, when we, the people aren't harried at every turn for it, we can go moneyless.
liberals 1. Persons so open minded that their brains have fallen out. 2. Those who have abandoned logic and reason, and rely on 'warm fuzzys' as a sound basis for the making of decisions. 3. Avocates of policy that empowers a strong federal government to enslave its people with the high tax burden incident to the support of extravagant and unnecessary (not to mention unconstitutional) social programs destructive to both the work ethic among the lower class, and the incentive to innovate and succeed among the upper class. In effect: To overthrow the constitution by destroying the basic guarantees of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness that its framers ingrained into it. (''s like when three wolves and a lamb vote on what to have for dinner...' Liberals are the wolves who punish those in our society who work hard and are successful.) 4. Hypocrites who deride members of the religious right for 'imposing its religion' upon them. Ironically, also guilty of trying to impose its religion upon the religious right... just bitter because the religious right, nation wide, still holds the majority. (Hey, morons: Every law is an imposition of someone's morals on someone else. You're just mad that its not your morals that are being imposed!).
liberals 1. Persons so open minded that their brains have fallen out. 2. Those who have abandoned logic and reason, and rely on 'warm fuzzys' as a sound basis for the making of decisions. 3. Avocates of policy that empowers a strong federal government to enslave its people with the high tax burden incident to the support of extravagant and unnecessary (not to mention unconstitutional) social programs destructive to both the work ethic among the lower class, and the incentive to innovate and succeed among the upper class. In effect: To overthrow the constitution by destroying the basic guarantees of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness that its framers ingrained into it. (''s like when three wolves and a lamb vote on what to have for dinner...' Liberals are the wolves who punish those in our society who work hard and are successful.) 4. Hypocrites who deride members of the religious right for 'imposing its religion' upon them. Ironically, also guilty of trying to impose its religion upon the religious right... just bitter because the religious right, nation wide, still holds the majority. (Hey, morons: Every law is an imposition of someone's morals on someone else. You're just mad that its not your morals that are being imposed!).
by Jason Rist
November 07, 2016 at 11:52AM
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by Jason Rist
November 07, 2016 at 11:52AM
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Friday, November 04, 2016
What it was like.
Tuesday, November 01, 2016
These are fun if nothing else.
Want some money $$$?
Monday, October 31, 2016
Oh, how they've changed. Happy Halloween 2016 Kamryn Rist Cathryn Kepnevo Chelsey Rist-Thomas Carson Rist Kayla Rist
Sunday, October 30, 2016
90% of the communist manifesto has been implemented in the US.
The way of the world today.
Saturday, October 29, 2016
Stop being manipulated. Delete the elite.
Be like Rob.
Friday, October 28, 2016
Because, why not. Priorities.
...or build a fallout shelter.
This is the least you and I can do.
America: where's your indignation. Your priorities tell your character.
What exactly have you learned?
Are you comfortable with corruption in politics?
WHEN will people have enough of the tyrants boot on their necks?
Writer Help Wanted - Write For A Living
Writer Help Wanted - Write For A Living
Writer Help Wanted - Write For A Living
Thursday, October 27, 2016
Writer Help Wanted - Write For A Living
Escape the matrix. Employ critical thinking. Think for yourself. Do independent research.
A vote for Hillary Clinton is a vote for your kids to be incinerated in nuclear fire from the WW3 she would most definitely start with Russia instead of allying with them in the fight against ISIS in Syria. Who's side is she on, anyway?
A vote for Hillary Clinton is a vote for your kids to be incinerated in nuclear fire from the WW3 she would most definitely start with Russia instead of allying with them in the fight against ISIS in Syria. Who's side is she on, anyway?
by Jason Rist
October 27, 2016 at 03:10PM
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by Jason Rist
October 27, 2016 at 03:10PM
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Writer Help Wanted - Write For A Living
Writer Help Wanted - Write For A Living
Stop The World I Wanna Get Off
Riddle me this, why are ALL politicians scumbags in one way or another?
Wednesday, October 26, 2016
Writer Help Wanted - Write For A Living
Writer Help Wanted - Write For A Living
Writer Help Wanted - Write For A Living
Want to Write for A Living?
Tuesday, October 25, 2016
Couldn't have said it better myself.
Monday, October 24, 2016
$$$ Get PAID to Write Online$$$
$$$ Get PAID to Write Online$$$
$$$ Get PAID to Write Online$$$
Monday Monday Monday. Need I say more.
Sunday, October 23, 2016
$$$ Get PAID to Write Online$$$
$$$ Get PAID to Write Online$$$
$$$ Get PAID to Write Online $$$
I forgot to get to
Hey guys. Check out my Latest YouTube video.
Saturday, October 22, 2016
$$$ Get PAID to Write Online$$$
$$$ Get PAID to Write Online
$$$ Get PAID to Write Online $$$
$$$ Get PAID to Write Online $$$

by Jason Rist
October 22, 2016 at 12:30PM
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by Jason Rist
October 22, 2016 at 12:30PM
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Tuesday, September 13, 2016
1. Problem: A killer is on the loose—killing child molesters and rapists in near future Major American City, Some State
2. Protagonist: Mike Daniels—two-year police veteran, albeit a no nonsense, hard-nosed, war veteran (latest American foreign adventure; Marines—rifle company; 2 tours), ‘by-the-book’ detective [Exception Maker] he is a homicide division rookie
3. Antagonist: Danielle Milo—? War—Army veteran; avenges her young daughter’s rape and murder at the hands of a convicted sex offender [‘Destroyer’ archetype]
4. Major Supporting and their problem: Chief has to make sure the law is upheld and duties are performed.
5. B Story: a distraught Danielle is comforted by friends and family at her daughter’s funeral
6. B Story: Danielle searches the convicted sex offender database
7. B Story: Mike gets first call to investigate a murder—white male, mid thirties. The corpse was killed elsewhere, then dumped near the forbidden zone.
8. The coroner calls Mike. “The vic was raped,” the Coroner explains. “We found semen and anal tearing consistent with rape—with a dildo. Get this though, the semen is from the vic himself,” the Coroner continues. “Hmm. Go fuck yourself? Mike quips. “He, well, obviously didn’t rape himself,” the Coroner injects. “The perp is sending a message,” Mike informs.
9. “Mike that the vic was a convicted sex offender,” Bud Holland informs. “The perp is definitely sending a message,” Mike adds.
10. B Story Mike: “I’m not cut out for this [case]. I was just promoted [to homicide] a week ago.” Chief advises him it’s his duty to uphold law and order; Chief: “vigilantes, no matter how justified they are, threaten law and order; the system could break down into chaos if they are allowed free reign. Mike, you have to catch him.”
11. B Story: After the third body is dumped an mo emerges. Mike sets up a stakeout near the forbidden zone. He and his people are surrounded by the shells of burned-out buildings and street thugs lurking in the shadows.
12. Major Plot Point 1 (end of Act I; begin Act II): Danielle narrowly escapes from Mike. She loses him in the forbidden zone.
13. B Story: Chief: “I’ve got you special clearance to go into the zone. You’ll have special equipment and a team out of Langley [Virginia] will aide you.”
14. B Story: Mike and his ‘team’ go over the wall into the zone. Mike notices the chemical detection says none and takes off his protective gear at the chagrin of the others with him. Many of them follow suit. Their leader berates them for insubordination and threatens them with firing squad and threatens Mike. Mike:”Knock it off. I’m just here to get this perp. If I don’t need this shit on, then I’ll take it off if I want to. You’re just here to cover my ass. Understand; capice?” Their team leader just nods to Mike, backs off and speaks something into his radio.
15. B Story: Mike starts toward a lighted area and is stopped abruptly by the commander. “Some areas here I absolutely cannot let you go in.” Mike, “What the fuck man. That could be her.” Commander: “Not at all likely. That’s actually a FEMA facility in the zone. It’s above both our pay grades, got it.” Team member 1: “got something on the over head.” Commander: “Mike?” Mike: “Let’s go, now!” Before the lid closes, Mike catches a glimpse of something else. Something more disturbing than a serial killer. He sees mass graves beside a relocation camp run by FEMA.
16. B Story: Mike, the Commander and Team members pursue Danielle through the rubble and darkness. Danielle is very careful to not kill anyone. She disables everyone except Mike. The Commander calls the extraction team. It’s almost sunrise. They must leave Mike is told. Just as the chopper is a few feet off the ground, Mike leaps out, hits hard and rolls then takes cover as the gunship strafes his position. He barely escapes into a burned-out building.
17. B Story: Mike writes a note for Danielle to find. She finds it and reads it. They meet.
18. B Story: After winning Danielle’s confidence through trading war stories. Mike explains why he pursues her so [duty and all that entails]. He asks her to guide him to the camp he saw. She tells him that isn’t the only one. She tells him that, through sources, she has learned that there are many others; all in the so-called forbidden zones.
19. B Story: She shows him the one in Dallas. They narrowly escape the guards. In the process, saving each other’s life a couple of times each.
20. B Story: Mike makes the now arduous trek back to HQ.
21. Major Plot Point 2: Mike sneaks into the chief’s office. Mike describes what he saw and his meeting with Danielle. “I believe she will turn herself in for the murders if we expose this.” Mike explains. The chief explodes into a tirade about duty to the law and Mike’s failure as an investigator. “Turn in your badge and gun. You are not just off this case but you are relieved of duty pending investigation.” The Chief continues. Mike leaves; defeated.
22. Mike, head bowed, shuffles along the wet sidewalk. He is grabbed from behind. He flips the assailant over his back and gets ready for the attack. “I forget you are a Marine combat vet,” The Chief quips.
23. Mike relaxes. “Yep, it’s not advisable to sneak up on one, either,” Mike remarks. “What, you forget some more humiliation.” Mike continues.
24. B Story: “No, no, no. That little show was for the brass. I believe you,” The Chief explains. “Mike, we’ll need evidence, of course. I’ll get you the guys you asked for. Go see this guy for tech support,” he continues.
25. B Story: Mike and his most trusted crew infiltrate the forbidden zone to record everything possible.
26. B Story: It turns out that most of the inmates are not displaced people from the disasters. They are there for political purposes, and they are forced to labor in various dangerous chores. Sign: WORK HARD, YOU WILL BE FREE. More like “We will work you to death.”
27. Major Plot Point 3: Just as Mike and his crew make it to the perimeter of the zone, they are set upon by The CIA team commander and his team. They quickly take out Mike’s crew. This leaves Mike all alone and vulnerable in the zone. He escapes capture once but not twice. “Remember me, asshole?” The Commander nods to one of his minions. The minion knocks Mike out with the butt of his M4 Carbine.
28. Major Plot Point 4 (end of Act II; begin Act III): Mike awakens to his head plunged in ice water . Mike is finally, almost to the point of drowning, allowed to gasp a breath of air. Then, rudely plunged back into the ice water. Again, brought out when almost drowned. “Rise and shine motherfucker,” The Commander quips. Mike is the bound to a metal chair. He sees, through swollen eyes, that they must be in an abandoned building in the zone; one of the few not burned. “Who else knows you’re here?” The Interrogator begins. “This will never see the light of day.” He holds up the SD card from Mike’s camera. He then takes a blow torch to it. “Your eyes are next if you fail to reveal who is helping you.”
29. B Story: A survivor from Mike’s expedition stumbles into the chief’s office at HQ. “They got Mike.” He manages before he collapses; dead.
30. B Story: “I’ll just learn to read Braille, then,” Mike spits. The blow torch starts to singe Mike’ eyebrows.
31. Suddenly, automatic gunfire erupts along with some flash bang grenade explosions in and around the building.
32. The Commander leaves to see what is going on.
33. The Chief has arrived with an extraction team of his own.
34. B Story: With The Interrogator’s attention diverted for just a second, Mike kicks his own chair back frees his legs and chokes The Interrogator. Mike gets his hands free after finding the key to the cuffs.
35. The Chief walks into the room Mike is in. “What are you waiting around for, you got a job to do.” The Chief remarks.
36. Moment of Truth: The Chief and Mike take the information: photos, audio and video to the public and the courts. Mike had a recording and GPS device temporarily implanted. He got everything. The camera SD chip was a diversion. The CIA Commander’s revelation was icing on the cake.
37. Mike receives a communiqué from Danielle through clandestine source.
38. Climax: Danielle meets Mike as the FEMA camp is being liberated.
39. Danielle thanks Mike like only a single woman who hasn’t known the touch of a man in a long time can. Because, after all, who knows if she will ever have the chance again.
40. The Ending (Denouement) Danielle’s trial. She gets acquitted; crime of passion. The politically correct are in an uproar.
For What it's Worth - logline
For What it's Worth - logline
Logline: A vigilante shortens the convicted sex offender list, one elaborate killing at a time. Mike Daniels, a homicide investigator, saddled with this unenviable task, has to bring her to justice.
1. Serena McGinnis believes her troubled and tragic past was behind her until an unwelcomed visitor threatens to unravel her fragile psyche and shatter her whole world forever.
2. Protagonist - Serena McGinnis [CIA field operative; made to believe partner, Darla was stepmother that tried to kill her when she was only thirteen]
3. Antagonist – Darla [betrayed partner and really ally of Serena; much closer to Serena in age]
4. Major Supporting and their problem
-Megan – wants to be there for her best friend without alienating her fiancée [watcher/assassin; killed Candace, Serena’s mother when she ran her and Serena off the road]
- Corey Fletcher – Serena’s fiancé, supports his wife-to-be despite his family’s reservations. [cover story]
5. Catatonic thirteen-year-old Serena arrives home from the hospital after three months. She kills Darla with several robotic chops to her head with an axe. [false memory planted by rouge CIA scientist]
6. Twenty-one year [actually 26] old Serena paroled from mental hospital for the criminally insane after serving juvenile life sentence.
7. Serena reunites with Megan Connor, a long-time friend. [friend part is implanted false memory]
8. Serena meets Corey Fletcher, her fiancée
9. Serena visits her father, Martin’s gravesite. [not really her father but Serena and Darla’s field chief; Megan killed him when he knows the truth]
10. Major Plot Point 1 (end of Act I; begin Act II)
Serena threatens a customer in the convenience store where she works. She thought, for a moment, the lady was Darla. Darla appeared in the reflection in the glass of the cooler door. [actually was there, checking on Serena was going to try to get her out of there and protect her from the bad CIA people]
Serena loses her job.
Serena gets arrested when neighbors call them after seeing her chop at the sidewalk with an axe screaming, “I hate you. I hate you Darla. Die. Oh, my God, why won’t you die?” They place her with the psychiatric hospital [CIA domestic black site].
11. The parole board wants Serena reevaluated to see if she can lead a ‘normal’ life. If not, she will be institutionalized for life.
12. Serena agrees to the board’s decision.
13. Corey hires pioneering psychiatrist Doctor Gordon Levinson, for Serena’s therapy.
14. The doctor informs Serena and Corey that this form of immersive hypnosis could traumatize her to a point of no return. She could be rendered to a vegetative state, reliving the trauma her psyche; her subconscious has locked away in order for her to survive. She would relive that moment over-and-over for the rest of her life.
15. Serena relates her fear of Corey feeling she is too damaged to continue their wedding plan.
16. Serena fears Megan will find out just how ‘crazy’ her friend really is and not want to stay friends with her.
17. Serena tells Doctor Levinson that she fears letting go so much that she can’t come back, that she might lose her mind permanently.
18. Doctor Levinson asks her to recount what she does remember about her mother and the rape.
19. Six-year old Serena, at daycare, hears her mother, Candace, die over the phone. It was a hit-and-run. The perpetrator has never been found.
20. Megan thinks this is what ails Serena and killing Darla was an act of malice brought on by her being raped and left for dead.
21. Corey has some reservations about the doctor’s methods but, is reassured that this only the beginning.
22. Doctor Levinson begins the more radical part of the hypnosis.
23. The Doctor asks her to ‘remember’ her stepmother, Darla.
24. Serena says, “momma wasn’t even cold in the ground; barely a month since—the ‘accident’” when she and dad started dating.
25. Doctor Levinson asks her to describe her relationship with Darla. She says she sees her room—she is nine. She fills out birthday invitations for her tenth birthday party. She says she is excited; she finally will have friends over. Darla doesn’t usually let me have friends over. Darla grabs the invitations. She thinks the one marked ‘Mommy’ is for her. Darla sits down on the bed and begins to weep. Then, suddenly her face darkens. As she darts from the room the invitations go flying. Darla slams the door behind her. Serena weeps as she says she restacks the invitations. She kicked them on purpose.
A tearful Serena recounts how she left the invitations on the counter and asked dad to mail them. But, nobody showed up to my birthday or any other after that. I was so mad, I threw the cake at her and dad.
26. Now, I’m 14 or so. I’m making a peanut butter and jelly, um blackberry, seedless; my faves. So, I’m going to my room and Darla comes out of nowhere and demands I clean up the mess I made. I did already clean it up. Now get out of my way. Darla: uh uh. You don’t talk to me like that, young lady. I run on up to my room. She busts in and slaps the milk from my hand. It dowses the ant farm dad just got me. Just then, dad gets home. She tells me, through gritted teeth, this isn’t over. I cry myself to sleep. The next morning I try to tell dad about her crap. He‘s just too distracted by her sluttiness to care or listen. So, I blow it off, too.
27. My life before, you know, had good times, also. I met my best friend at the worst camp ever.
28. Me and Megan soon became partners in crime, there. They shouldn’t have taught us how to recon. We routinely snuck over the wire to rendezvous with the boys, if you catch my drift.
29. Major Plot Point 3
Doctor Levinson wipes his brow. Corey gives a quick, coy glance at Megan. Megan, cheeks flush, slightly pants, licks her lips and fans herself. Megan shrugs. Megan: “What? We were sixteen for Chist’s sake.”
Doctor Levinson whispers: “Please, no comments while the session is ongoing.
30. Doctor: “Tell me more about this camp, Serena.”
31. The camp backfired on Darla. It changed me. I was more confident, tough. Horny.
32. Darla caught me and Tyler [met at camp] about to have sex in my room. We get into it. She really goes nuts. I hit her hard. Tyler runs out of the house about naked. She chases after him. While she’s gone, I figure I better hit the bricks too if I know what’s good for me. If I had only know what waited for me on those streets, I would have stayed and faced her wrath. SOBBING. Oh, my God, I was so stupid.
33. Corey, Megan put their hands on her shaking shoulders. Doctor Levinson:” Let’s take a short break.”
34. Major Plot Point 4 (end of Act II; begin Act III)
Corey: “Doc. You sure she can’t just stop here?” DR. Levinson: “She must be forced to actually relive the event her psyche will not let go of. She is only at its perimeter. Now, she must go through the gateway and re-experience it in order for the subconscious to let it go into the conscious. It must become who she is; she has to understand it so she can conquer it.”
35. Megan talks to Serena. She embraces her. Corey is a bit uncomfortable but ignores it.
36. Doctor Levinson: “Now, Serena back to your last remembrance before the rape.”
37. Moment of Truth
I am walking. I’m just near Tyler’s house. It’s about to be dark, so I step it up a bit. I’m hit from behind and actually knocked out. I come to. I’m tied to a rusty bed frame on laying on a torn and dirty mattress. This place looks like a homeless hideout or something. Probably a warehouse. It’s rusted and abandoned. A person hovers over me. They have on a full body, black leather suit. It’s slick; smooth. The leather squeaks with their every motion. The bondage-suited figure strokes my hair. I see they have a belt or harness around their waste. Attached. . .Oh, my God. No. Serena jerks at the bindings at her wrists and ankles. The figure puts a large rubber ball gag in her mouth. The figure produces a knife. The figure slices, then rips Serena’s clothes away. The figure spits on their hand and strokes the oversized dildo attached to the harness around their waste. Serena continues to wail and thrash about the bed. “Shut your filthy mouth”, a familiar, female voice spews. The figure slaps Serena hard about six or seven times. Serena bleeds from the mouth and has a small cut on her right cheek. Serena nearly blacks out. “That’ll calm your ass down, slut.” Again, that voice. The figure lowers themselves down between Serena’s wide open legs. Serena bucks wildly and throws the rapist off the bed. The figure throws their arms up in triumph and howls, “Playtime is over. I’m gonna fuck your brains out, literally. Go ahead and scream. No one can hear you. In fact, no one will want to hear you when I’m through.”
The rapist lunges on top of Serena, rapidly punches her in the face hard about ten times. Serena blacks out. Serena awakens to feel her mouth has been mangled. She sees through swollen eyes her tormentor in her face. Then she feels the massive rubber cock spreading her tender outer labia. The burning starts as it enters the vaginal cavity. The burning, the ripping of her soft flesh inside her sharpens suddenly as the rapist plunges the unlubricated length into her. She can’t bare the intense pain. She screams in agony. Then blacks out. She opens her swollen eyes again. Half-believing it to be a bad dream. The pain is less now. Hurts maddeningly when the wild and brutal thrusting hits the bottom of her very tender, former virgin vagina. The figure delivers another round of savage beating. She wakes to find herself lying on her stomach. The figure approaches from behind and shoves the entire length of the monster latex cock into her virgin anus. Serena, ungagged, screams until her lungs feel as though they are as on fire as her rectum. “I’ve been at this for hours, bitch. No one will hear you, I told you.” The rapist chided. “You’re gonna be so ruined as a woman,” the rapist chuckled. The figure slams Serena’s head into the iron post.
38. Climax
Megan (crying): “I can’t watch this. Oh, my God, Serena. Oh, my God.” Corey (sobbing): “I’m gonna be sick.” Doctor: “Serena, where are you. Serena come back for a little while.” Snaps his fingers. Nothing. “1,2,3,4,5. Awake, Serena.” No response.
Serena:”the figure gets off. Climaxes, Cums. You know. The they walk around. The dildo is covered in my feces and smeared with blood. I feel a warm pool forming under me. I feel very weak. I’m gonna pass out. “Well, I guess I broke her,“ the figure interrupts. The figure takes off the hood. It’s Darla.
Doctor Levinson:”Serena, when I get the count of five, you will awake. Able to remember, fully what really happened and understand it, accept it and that there is nothing more you can do about it. One: starting to come up out of the hypnosis. Two: becoming aware of your surroundings. Three: knowing that you are in the here and now in this room. Four: still remembering you past but knowing it is indeed in the past. Five: fully awake now. When I snap my fingers, open your eyes and acknowledge us here. SNAP. Serena starts awake and opens her eyes. “Serena”, Corey asks. She stares straight ahead. She then shakes her head and sobs. “Hi, my love. Corey. Hey, Megan.” “You back”, Corey asks. “Doctor Levinson”, Serena asks. “We’ll have the evaluation then I’ll give my recommendations to the board, tomorrow. Right now, I’m exhausted.” Everyone kind of chuckles. “I pray you’re back” Megan adds while holding and rubbing Serena’s hand.
39. The Ending (Denouement)
30 days later, the board, after Doctor Levinson’s testimony and evidence is also verified independently, determine the Serena is healthy enough to not be institutionalized, at this time. They let her go home.
40. Serena and Corey, on their honeymoon, get into bed and make love. The next morning, Corey sees Serena staring at the mirror. “Everything okay, hun”, he ponders. She startles. “No, darling. Nothing at all”, she answers in a Darla-esque manner.
LAST TURN (treatment/synopsis)
Aaron (25) and his father, Jake (50) run Gates Enterprises: an exotic import conversion business. This finances their true passion—stock car racing. He has won many trophies and awards and has just earned a spot on the NASCAR circuit. Aaron needs to win one more race to win the Winston Cup.
One car, for their biggest client in Dallas, is shipped to Los Angeles instead of Houston, the natural choice to get it in time is Aaron.
A helicopter hovers high over a lonely, straight stretch of desert highway. A black Ferrari rapidly comes into view.
Aaron’s point of view: digital speedometer reads: 260 kph.
The troopers intercept him. “This is the Arizona State Highway Patrol. Pull over, now”, one trooper barks over a loudspeaker.
Too late; an RV ambles onto the two lane road in front of him. Aaron, the pro he is, narrowly manages to avoid hitting it. Then one of the Ferrari's tires explodes. The car lurches, slides, flips and then rolls, end-over- end. The Ferrari, battered, bent and shattered, comes to rest in a cloud of dust.
Hospital doors fly open. The EMTs fighting to save Aaron's life hand him off to the emergency room doctors.
In ICU, Aaron recovers from two fractured lower vertebrae, four broken ribs, a punctured lung and both legs broken, and a fractured wrist.
He returns home, a broken man—in both body and spirit. The family business is about to go under. Doctor Benjamin (60) orders him to an additional six weeks of bed rest, then the hard part-physical therapy. Aaron may never walk again.
Aaron and Nick Castle (25), his old racing rival, pull into ‘The Pit Stop’ cafe, an old hangout. Some of the old gang is there.
They don’t engage with Aaron. Some are careful not to mention racing or Aaron’s accident. But, he knows they mean well even if he doesn’t need or want their pity.
Aaron, many empty beer and whiskey bottles by his wheelchair, ponders all the trophies he has won over the years. He trashes his apartment throwing and breaking all of them.
A physical therapist, female (30) guides Aaron as he struggles even the most basic movements with his legs. He stands briefly, steps forward, his legs buckle. His arms are too weak. He lands on the firm mat. His face smacks hard against it.
Aaron quickly wheels himself out into the courtyard. He recollects his NASCAR wins, the wreck and his therapy sessions.
He eyes the busy street. His hands brace the wheels. He reaches for the brake. A small tennis shoe comes into his view. “Will you please tie my shoe, sir?” a female (19) with her arm in a sling, pleads. “Sure. But it’ll cost you a dollar”, quips Aaron.
The bright-eyed teenager grins wide. “Brynn”, scolds her mother (35) as she hurries up to her side. “But, momma he helped me tie my shoe. He couldn’t possibly rape and murder me—Natalie.
Besides, he’s too cute.” Brynn laughs. “Thank you”, she tells Aaron. “I’m sorry about her. It’s the meds she’s on,” Natalie apologizes. “Her arm?” Aaron asks. “No. I’m not doing this”, Natalie bristles, then hurries away.
Brynn happens by the physical therapy room. She sees Aaron struggle to his feet while holding onto walk. He falters. He lays on the mat. “I can’t.” Aaron blurts. “’I can’t’ is just another way of saying ‘I won’t’”, chides Brynn. She blushes then Aaron sees Brynn later in the hospital cafeteria. “You have no idea what I’ve been through. You’re just a kid.” Aaron explodes.
“A kid who’s been on kidney dialysis for years”, Brynn erupts.
“What do you want from me?” Aaron implores. “I know what you’ve been through. I didn’t realize who you were the other day but I know now. I want you to stop making excuses.” Brynn says tearfully. He pulls himself up, stands in front of her, cups her face in his hands and kisses her lips. “I will.” He whispers. A broad smile stretches her mouth. She embraces him. “That’s the spirit.” She says while kissing him.
Montage: Aaron at physical therapy, he seems stronger then falters Brynn gasps and covers her mouth. He struggles back up on the parallel walking bars. Brynn cheers him on. He gives her a ‘thumbs up’ sign. She is on dialysis; looks weaker; sicker.
The doctors and Natalie talk. She is in tears. Aaron jogs a short distance—with a slight stiffness in his back. The physical therapist smiles and pumps her fist in the air. Dr. Benjamin discharges Aaron but cautions against racing. Aaron, Brynn and Natalie depart the hospital.
Natalie walks with Aaron to his front door. She takes him aside.
“I realize she’s growing up. I just don’t believe a relationship is in her best interest right now”, cautions Natalie. “Ms. . .” Aaron starts. Natalie cuts in, “Now you can knock that ‘Ms.’ stuff off right now. I’m not much older than you.” “Natalie, I understand.” Aaron says. “Do you?” Natalie snaps. “Absolutely.”
Aaron injects. “She’s sick and you believe, justly so, that this will distract her from getting better.” Aaron continues. “That’s just it. She might not get better. Face it. I have.” Natalie cries. “What? You’re giving up on her?” Aaron retorts. “No. You don’t get to do that. I’m her mother. It’s on me.” Natalie cries. Aaron injects, “What you forget is this is what Brynn wants. This is what she needs. We both deserve this. I love your daughter I want to be with her, come what may.” “I see that you
honestly believe that. As long as Brynn is okay with it, I’m okay with it. But, if I believe for a second that you aren’t good with her, I’ll put an end to this, whatever it is. Got it?”
Aaron and Brynn go on a date.
Aaron sees an ad at the carnival about an upcoming minor race.
First place is fifteen thousand dollars. “Easy. . .” Brynn interrupts, “What?” “. . . does it.” Aaron sighs. He takes down the poster, folds it and puts it in his pocket.
When Aaron arrives home, there is a message from Natalie about Brynn. She is very ill and is in the hospital. He sees Brynn in the hospital. The doctor informs Natalie and Aaron that Brynn has a life-threatening illness, a complication of a failing liver. He and Natalie embrace and cry. He goes back home. He tosses and turns. He pulls the folded up ad out of his back pocket. He throws it in the trash.
Brynn is out of the hospital. She looks very ill, weak and jaundiced. Natalie gets a letter from her insurance company.
It says: she has to pay ten thousand dollars for the deductible in order to keep Brynn on her insurance after she turns 20.
Aaron tells his dad about Brynn, their relationship and her condition. “Besides her being sick, you’re more seven years older than that girl, Aaron. You crazy?” Jake scolds. Aaron asks him if he could borrow the money. Jake tells him the business is failing. Aaron shows him the race flyer. Jake talks him out of it. He tells Aaron that he will see if he can raise some funds. A few days later, he tells Aaron he tried but, couldn't get a loan. Aaron storms out of the house before
Aaron, in a beat up old race car, drives fast on a dirt track--a practice track behind the defunct drive-in movie theater.
Jake, in a headset. Aaron has on a racer’s helmet with visor and built-in headset. “Alright, son. Remember all we're doing today is shaking the rust off you. Okay?” Jake informs. “You act like this is my first time.” Aaron quips. Aaron struggles to maintain control of the Gate's team dirt track racer. “Son? You okay?”
Jake asks. “Yeah. Just takes some gettin'; used to; been awhile. That;s all. I'll be fine, dad.” Aaron quips. “Come in so we can tighten the strut.” Jake demands. “Sounds good to me.” Aaron just gets the last word from his lips, the strut comes loose. Aaron fights it into the turn with all he has. The racer careens into the wall of hay bales, bounces and flips. The sprint car lands on its side. Jake and the entire crew rush to help him.
Brynn, Natalie, Jake and the crew wait in the hospital. The doctor bursts through the double doors to the ER. “Why in the world would you let him race again, Jake?” Dr. Benjamin scolds. “He’s a grown man, Doc.” Jake retorts. “Well, he’s damn lucky. He’s only got a little knock on the head, nothing too bad. Maybe knock some sense into him.” Dr Benjamin informs the room. He turns on his heel and departs.
Aaron, with head bandaged, tries to get out of bed the nurses struggle to make him stay. “Come on, it’s just a little bump on the head.” Aaron implores. “Doctor’s orders.” Nurse returns. “Oh my God. Why, why, why?” Brynn cries. Tears stream down her face.
Natalie, arms folded, waits in the closes the door. “You idiot.” Brynn blasts. She slaps his chest then, buries her head in his chest. He embraces her. “I can’t. . . will not quit on you. I’m going to get you what you need.” He soothes. Natalie
Aaron, at the shop office, searches through the file cabinet. “Dad, really? So old-fashioned” Aaron quips. He takes out a file and places it on the desk. He opens the file marked 'Insurance'.
He reads two different policies. One is the fire insurance on the business the other is his own life insurance policy.
He puts all that aside. He finds his broken trophies, melts them down and sells the silver and gold to a pawn shop.
Brynn takes a turn for the worse.
Aaron then proceeds to the Gates’ Arizona Garage. He piles all the paper, plastic and wood in the center of the floor. Next, he places paint, paint thinner and gasoline next to that. He then pulls the cutting torch up to the pile. He brings a metal beam up to the pile. He lights the torch. He starts to cut the metal beam. Sparks fly into the pile. Some of the paper starts Natalie frantically searches for Aaron. She stops by Jake’s and they arrive at the shop. Natalie finds the insurance policies in Aaron’s car seat. As she reads them, her worried expression turns to realization, then horror.
Jake starts yelling at Aaron. Aaron tells them both to leave him alone. Natalie tells him that if he goes she goes too. Then Brynn dies anyway—of a broken heart. “So, what is any of this going to do, son? He is overcome with joy at this. He turns off the torch, grabs her and rushes them all outside just as the torch gas bottles explode. “Whoa. That was close. You kinda distracted me. I didn’t want to be in there when that happened.”
Aaron quips. Natalie gives him a sideways glance. The shop, engulfed in flames. Jake shields his eyes from the intense glare. Glass pops, car tires blow out gasoline tanks explode.
The flames rage higher. Fire trucks arrive.
Jake and Aaron set up the practice track. “Now don’t lie to me boy. What the hell happened the other night?” Jake snaps. “Dad,” Aaron hesitates. “Oh never mind. At least the insurance company believes it was an accident. I guess I’m gonna retire now. Thanks.” Jake interrupts. “Don’t mention it—ever again.”
Aaron quips. Jake and Aaron have a long overdue laugh.
The race starts. Aaron has his work cut out for him. He hasn't been in a race for more than two years. He's almost like a rookie.
Thirty laps in and Aaron is struggling to keep up. He comes in for a pit-stop. His dad reminds him that this happened in one race he won his rookie year.
Aaron is pumped up. He closes in on the lead. He was dead last in a field of forty racers. Now, he is in twelfth place.
A major crash takes out most of the field in front of him. His dad deftly guides him through it.
Aaron is in first place with only one lap to go. Coming down the backstretch, to the finish line, Nick Castle bumps him from behind. Aaron has a blowout, spins, clips Nick's car; sending it into the wall. Aaron's car spins. He crosses the finish line backwards. Aaron regains control and takes a victory lap.
He has won the race, saved Brynn's life and his own.
Jake runs across the infield to winner's circle. He picks up Aaron coming out of the window of his car. Aaron lifts Brynn out of the stands. They kiss. She embraces him. Natalie joins the celebration at the winner’s circle. Jake showers them all with champagne. Flashes from cameras light up their beaming Aaron grasps the trophy, stuffed with cash in addition to the check and raises it over his head.
Montage: Brynn, in a hospital bed, shows her transplant scar;
Aaron, Brynn, Natalie and Jake, surrounded by friends at a formal dinner—Aaron and Brynn’s wedding reception;
Brynn in a hospital bed—giving birth, Aaron grins as he holds Brynn’s hand.
-The End-
Mirror of My Mind (first scene)
Mirror of My Mind(first ten pages unformatted)
A Screenplay
Jason W. Rist
MARTIN (male, late 30s) and SERENA (female, seventeen), pull up in his
Her eyes are deep blue pools of emptiness.
Martin quickly sets up the wheelchair and then
yanks, wheelchair,
Serena and all up the front steps.
Storm clouds darken the horizon.
The dark, leaden clouds of a Texas 'blue norther'
loom behind the tiny farmhouse.
Martin wheels Serena in to the living room; by the
He folds it out into a bed.
Then gingerly, lovingly places Serena in it.
He pulls up the covers and tucks then under her
He pecks her on the cheek.
Good night sweetie. I love you.
He sweeps back an errant strand of blonde hair and
wraps it over her ear.
All he gets back in return is a vacant stare.
He goes outside to the woodpile to get some more
wood for the fireplace.
Martin unloads a bundle of firewood by the
He places some of the logs on the grate and stokes
the coals to life.
He looks at Serena; sleeping, and goes upstairs.
When he reaches the top he SOBS.
ANGLE ON: Axe, stuck in a stump.
DARLA (female, mid 30s) and Martin lay asleep in a post-coital
She stirs as the lightning crashes and the rain
lashes against the windows and vinyl siding.
Her eyes open to the sound of the back screen door
BANGING against the side of the house.
She gets up and walks down to the kitchen.
She latches the screen door shut and closes the
back door.
ANGLE ON: Stump. The axe is missing.
Just as she is entering slumber, a CRACK of
thunder shakes her awake.
Martin stirs just a bit.
She looks over at him.
She rolls over on her back.
There, silhouetted by another huge lightning bolt
is a soaking wet Serena; axe held up high over her
Thunder RUMBLES.
Whore. . .
An emotionless Serena brings the axe home with a
sickening, blood-splattering THUD.
She sinks the axe deep in Darla's cranium.
Martin springs to his feet.
The horror freezes him.
Serena, like an automaton, delivers several more
fatal blows.
The gore washes over Serena, Martin and the room.
Martin comes to his senses.
Serena! Stop. Oh, my God.
He starts for Serena but, slips in the widening
pool of blood.
He scrambles to her and yanks the axe from her
He pauses for a second to get his bearings;
He gets the phone and DIALS 911.
With a lead-gray sky overhead, a POLICE OFFICER
leads Serena, hands cuffed behind her back and
wearing a blank expression, to a police cruiser.
An ambulance spits gravel as it moves up the
The siren WAILS.
Martin is interviewed by DETECTIVES.
The cruiser pulls away.
Serena just stares out the window of the cruiser.
Sleet PELTS the window.
Serena, six, cotton blonde hair pulled back in a
ponytail, stares into the night through a frosted
Sleet pellets TAP at the window.
She has multi-colored scratch paper fanned out,
haphazard, on the floor all around her.
One drawing has a red, two-story house with a
smoke-bellowing chimney.
A depiction of herself has her in swing.
It hangs from a huge tree in the front yard, her
dog is on her left, and her mommy and daddy are on
her right.
The sun is a golden crowned prince beaming its
happy face from the top, right corner.
The moon, on the left, is his princess girlfriend.
The phone RINGS.
A DAYCARE WORKER answers it.
Hello? No. She's still here. Oh. I
understand, ma'am. Okay. Serena,
you're mom.
Hi momma. I want to go home.
CANDICE, Serena's mother, is at a gas station
phone booth.
Sleet pellets TAP the phone booth glass.
I'm going to get daddy to come get
me. Then we will come and get you,
sweetie. Okay?
What the. . .Whuuu!
What, mommy? Mommy?
There is the sound of CRUSHING METAL on the other
Then, only DIAL TONE.
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