Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Mrs. Brown

Mrs. Brown

Hello, Mrs. Brown; old, friend
You warm my heart with your
Comfortable, soft embrace.
You Comfort me with your simple charm.

You hold my hands; hid from the world, 
protect my neck from Jack’s frigid bite.
Your mate; that hood, long-lost
to the laundry lady‘s careless toss.

October though May; ten times now
You wiped away my tears; of both joy and pain;
You brought me through 
triumph, tragedy, love and hate. 

I must now retire you; true friend
Your frayed ends and pockets that do not hold
I have a new coat
Bigger, shinier and bold.

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When Freedom Fails

No one escapes when freedom fails
While the best rot in filthy jails,
those that cried "Appease! Appease"!
Are hanged
by those they tried to please.

By "Anonymous"

The New Amerika

The New Amerika

Amendment II

Amendment II
What part of "shall NOT be infringed." do the gun grabbers not get?

A Patriot

A Patriot

Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God

Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God

Argument of tyrants

Argument of tyrants